Democratic Party Achievements, Benefits and Programs
19th Amendment Women's right to vote
Apollo 11 First manned moon mission
Social Security Social insurance program
Medicare Health insurance for seniors
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization – the political and military alliance between the US, Canada and Europe
Medicaid Health care program for low income people
Securities and Exchange Act Law Oversee the trading of securities and protect investors
Rural Electrification Act Federal loans for the installation of electricity to serve rural areas
Peace Corps American volunteers promoting friendship, goodwill and peace around the world
Unemployment Benefits Temporary payments to the unemployed
Fair Labor Standards Act Ending the cruel practice of child labor
Servicemen's Readjustment Act The GI Bill, which has benefited millions of returning soldiers
Federal Home Loan Program Guaranteed loans that allowed millions of Americans to become homeowners
National Industrial Recovery Act 8 hour workday, minimum wage, paid overtime, and the right to collective bargaining
National School Lunch Act Free or low-cost meals for children who might otherwise go hungry
Voting Rights Act Prohibits discrimination in voting
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Forerunner of the March of Dimes
Head Start Program Comprehensive services for low income families
Civil Rights Act Prohibits discrimination and protects civil rights
Marshall Plan European Recovery Act Rebuilt a secure and peaceful Europe after World War II
Financial Aid for Higher Education Loans Guaranteed student loans that enabled over 50 million Americans to receive a college education
Family and Medical Leave Act Temporary unpaid leave and job protection to employees – for qualified medical and family reasons
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Protect workers against pay discrimination
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Health care reform: Preventive care screening, lower prescription drug costs, protection for pre-existing conditions among many other benefits
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Pandemic recovery, economic stimulus payments, free vaccines, funeral expense assistance, expanded child tax credits, block grants for schools, funds for small business and many other benefits

Democratic Party Achievements, Benefits and Programs

The following benefits and programs were accomplished through the tireless work of Democratic Presidents, Senators and Congress members.

Democrats act on the core belief that government should actually work to benefit ordinary working Americans.